The Eternal Shepherd

Micah 5

The chapter talks about either the immediate future of the Israelites then which was around the late 700 BC or the future when Christ is Born through Israel or even the future which even we are yet to see about Israel...

This chapter was meant to warn Israel of the coming judgement because of their sin and at the same time give them hope for a better future. Hope that God hasn't completely disregarded them but will redeem them.

The verses that have really stood out for me are:

Micah 5:2,4-5
[2]But you, Bethlehem Ephratah, though you be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall He come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.
[4]And He shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.

In this Verses, Micah is talking about the Coming Ruler (the Messiah) who is now our Lord Jesus Christ. He first declares that as much as He is going to rule Israel as King and Judge, He is no mere human but lived even before the days that He revealed Himself to the world. Hence, He is eternal therefore divine.

Secondly, He shall feed his own flock (v.4). NIV uses the word shepherd. How will He shepherd His flock? With the strength of the Lord (v.4). Who are the flock? You and I are part of the flock (You who are saved by faith in Christ). Imagine that!!!! That Christ shepherds us in the strength of the Lord - of Yahweh. In the strength of no puny human nor in the strength of just an angel but his own almighty, all powerful strength that knows no thing too heavy to carry nor no impossibility... 

Scripture is filled with great portrayals of God's strength. Some examples are how He saved Israel from Egypt or how He gave Abraham and Sarah a child beyond normal age or how a virgin gave birth to a child or how Christ conquered death and many other examples that you can think of....

This is the Christ we serve dear brethren. He is our eternal ruler who stands and shepherds us in the Strength of Yahweh because He is Yahweh... What a privilege to have such a King shepherding us. 

The Bible refers to us as His sheep (flock). Think about a sheep... They aren't very pleasant creatures. They just merely eat sleep and walk around and they can be really filthy if not taken care of... This just describes our lives lived outside Christ and his will but Christ still unwaveringly and willingly shepherds us.

A shepherds task is 

1. To provide - hence Christ will provide for us in the strength of the Lord.

2. To protect - hence Christ will protect us in the strength of the Lord. David killed a bear protecting his flock. We have Yahweh as our Shepherd- what shall we fear?

May this understanding of Christ breed great hope and confidence in you for a future that is in His hands.

As the hymn says,

Because He lives I can face tomorrow because He lives all fear is gone because I know He holds my future and life is worth living just because He lives...πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ


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