Righteousness Exnihilo (Out of Nothing)

Rom.4.17 - as it is written, "I have made you the father of many nations"--in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.

Paul's speaks of God giving life to the dead and calls into existence things that do not exist.The later verses Paul continue to show how God still promises Abraham to be the father of many nations despite him not having a son of his own, his body "as good as dead" and his wife barren. 

God promises Abraham to be a father of many nations as if to call into existence a thing that has no vestige of existence. Abraham's body was "as good as dead" and Sarah barren but still promises nations to Abraham as if to say He is able to give life to Abraham's "dead body" and Sarah's barrenness and whatever He calls into existence (nations), He will actualize.

Paul has spent the first three chapters of Romans accusing humanity as sinners who continually do nothing but perpetually sin. And despite all that, Paul declares that whoever puts their faith in Christ Jesus before God will be regarded righteous.

It is as though Paul is saying - I know humanity is dead in sin but God is able to call them righteous despite its non existence and bring them to life towards righteousness provided each totally put their trust in Christ for their salvation.

I recently watched a video of a serial rapist and killer's last confessions before execution. At the end of the video he says that he has accepted forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ. In my self righteousness, I told myself in anger, how dare he say that... However, the fact remains that if his confession is true. God has declared him righteous in Christ.

He has in a similar way declared you righteous in Christ no matter what you have done, if you are in Christ.

Sometimes the Gospel just seems unreal🙆🏿‍♂️. Praise be to God for his great Mercy🙌🏿


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