Unity among Believers in Christ

Acts 1:13-14
[13]And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode both Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James.
[14]These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.

Peter; a denier of Jesus Christ and an initiator of violence during Jesus' arrest. Thomas; a doubter  of Jesus' promise to rise from the dead. Matthew; a tax collector (they had reputation of been dishonest and collaborating with the enemy) and Simon the zealot (a violent type of people) though they stopped way before Jesus died 

Sometimes as Christians we look down on those whom we know their past sins either recent or long ago. In this verses it says they were in one accord in prayer, one of the reasons to this unity seems to be that none of them reminded the others judgingly of their sins. No one seemed to have come to Peter judgingly reminding him of his denial of our Lord. In fact, he stood up to lead them in the next verses and none of them questioned his leadership due to his past sins. Hence I believe a great ingredient of true unity in church is not holding other believers' known sins against them, if they have been confessed and repented, just as Christ holds our sins not against us.

Another ingredient of unity is unity of mind. All these disciples were united under a desire to obey God's command to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit. All these disciples were united on the part that they needed to pray as they waited. All these were all United in their desire to be baptised by the Holy spirit. This oneness in mind promotes unity in church. However, what if there is no oneness in mind? 

Philippians 4:2
[2]I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord.

We ought to strive to be of one mind with the will of God as our primary desire.
What if is there is a deadlock?😄 
That is a conversation for another day.😄

Other notable lessons:
1. Mary is not our mediator to God - We find here Mary also praying with the rest of the disciples. If she was a mediator they would also be praying to her.

2. There is still a disciple named Judas yet we know of another Judas who killed himself. Having the same name doesn't translate to having the same destiny. Therefore, our names aren't powerful enough to determine our destiny (as in some of our tribes' beliefs) but the God who chose you is powerful enough to determine your destiny.

3. The brothers of Jesus also were praying. They ridiculed Jesus during His ministry but now they believed. Proximity to anyone that believes in Jesus can't save if proximity to Jesus Himself didn't save. They themselves had to repent and believe. Also Jesus despite preaching to everyone else he didn't forget his own household. Let us not ignore any of our family members with the message of the gospel. As we reach wide let us also reach home.



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