Is Kenya Really a Christian Nation?

In our country, it is popularly known that around 75-80 % of it consists of Christians. However, we can’t ever overestimate the many vices that take place in our country. The Christian label is used by some politicians as a way of promoting themselves. Corruption is a cancer in this country; it is actually so bad that if a Christian doesn’t bribe they will say it as a testimony in Church. Sexual immorality is continually increasing yet few ever blush about it. Marriages are broken in accordance to convenience. Apostate Christians are proudly declaring their rejection of the faith. Many only live their faith in a manner of convenience; when situations demand otherwise they do what is necessary. Those who stick to what is right are regarded as hypocrites or self-righteous. Within the church itself; envy, strife, divisions and selfish ambitions, witchcraft and pluralism reign supreme. I won’t even labor to talk about the many so called “Men of God” who have unashamedly and arrogantly taken the position of Christ in their ministries. I can’t name all the vices otherwise; I would have to name this article “Vices in Kenya”. I doubt that there is any reasonable individual, if they receive this description of Kenya without being told about the thousands of churches and the production of millions of gospel materials, would ever agree that Kenya is a Christian Nation. Am I now saying that Christians are impervious to such vices? Absolutely not. However, a perpetual occurrence of wickedness with extremely minimal improvement towards righteousness demands the question, “Is Kenya Really a Christian Nation?”
The Christian Community has never been perfect on earth. Therefore, do not get any idea that I am demanding perfection; God knows my share of guilt. However, the Christian Community must be a group of people who at least labor towards this perfection. Let’s stroll down memory lane to the early church (35AD-300AD). They were a breed of people who stood out in their society. This identification was mainly brought about by their commitment to their values. For instance, Pliny The Younger, a Roman lawyer and a non-believer, testified that Christians are the most honest people he had ever encountered. In fact, during the persecutions, in order to find Christians, non-believers would deliberately sell to people, in the markets, items offered to idols so that anyone who rejected the items would evidently stand out as a Christians thus kill them yet they all had the option of buying them for their life’s sake. Even when many Christians were later confronted about their faith despite the fact that they could lose their lives, many would not recant their position. On the other hand, many so called Christians in Kenya are marked by unbridled dishonesty; a kind of dishonesty that doesn’t even prick their conscience. When a situation is dire, many compromise their values for momentary pleasure not even concerned about what their actions mean to God or to other people. Moreover, anyone who seeks to stand for what is right is treated harshly, not just in the world but even within the Christian community. I dare say this that even the majority of people who claim to be Christian do not even know what that means, let alone those who even wonder why they should go to church on Sunday. Therefore, how can you be what you don’t know? (Studying C.R.E in school doesn’t make you Christian and neither does been born in a Christian family). Therefore, I conclude that Kenya is no way a Christian Nation. It has a number of true Christians but it is no Christian nation and I am saying that to its shame!
Indulge me for a moment as I make my case,
The epistle of 1 John primarily seeks to clarify how a Christian should look like. 1 John 1:6 says that if we say that we have fellowship with God (a Christian) yet continue to walk in darkness (unbridled wickedness) we lie and do not act in truth. Therefore, saying that Kenya is a Christian nation suggests that the WHOLE nation is walking in the light rather than in their darkness; which evidently is nowhere near the truth on the ground just wait for the general elections and see the murderous utterances towards opponents by those who raise their hands in praise to God now! (just in case you doubt) 1 John 2:1 states that the way to be sure that we know him (a Christian), is if we obey his commandments and whoever says I know him (a Christian) but does not keep his commandments is a liar. When we unashamedly commit the vices listed above we go against God’s commandments therefore, we prove ourselves liars. Kenya being in a cesspool of disobedience proves itself A LIAR by calling itself a Christian Nation. 1 John 2:15 states that if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him; the verse goes on to describe the world as sensual lust, enticement for the eyes and the pride of life yet it seems as though majority of Kenya is guided by these even among the so called “Men of God”. Basically if these three things govern your life, you hate God no matter how Christian you call yourself. In simpler terms, Christianity should resemble 1 John 2:6 whereby one lives just as Christ lived which is in righteousness. Therefore, a Christian nation will live righteously. May Justice, righteousness and compassion reign in the name of Christ.

I know my language seems unkind, unloving and judgmental. I most sincerely say these with all the love in my heart. My main aim is to wake us up from slumber and shock us into reality! Therefore, I call us to turning away from our evil ways and placing our trust in Jesus, who paid the price for our sins for our total forgiveness and reconciliation back to a God whom we have grieved, harden not your heart. The God who sees will refresh our souls and bless abundantly according to his own will (Just observe American and European History)


  1. Mind sobering good Sir. This is well presented, and I think, with love. We must strive above all else,to stand firm in truth and refuse to lie to ourselves or to our God. Thank you.


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