O Lord Jesus Come Quickly!

Gen 18:20 – Then the Lord said, “The OUTCRY against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great…”

            Honestly, this is how I feel about the world right now. By ‘the world’ I neither mean the cities, the buildings, the cars nor the gadgets that we use, but the whole system that the world is held under. Suffering and sins are the main reasons for the outcry. I weep that suffering in this world is inevitable whether one is rich or poor. I sob that suffering is ever creative on how it is going to capture its prey, on how it is going to inflict pain. Suffering inflicts pain on either the inner being or the outer being, at times even both. A child being born with a disease and their whole lives living at the mercy of it. A young boy losing their only parent and having to fend for himself and his little siblings. A young couple getting married and finding out they can’t get children or even losing their child at birth. Corrupt individuals stifling the economy. The rich taking advantage of the poor. Illnesses everywhere (Coronavirus). Catastrophes such as accidents. It is as though in this world anything good that happens must have its own disadvantages. Furthermore, Persecution is still very much part of this world on God's children. I heard of a story of a person who got saved in North Eastern Kenya and had to hide in the forest with his family because those of his former religion wanted his head on a stake. China and Middle East are aggressive towards Christians in fact in the Middle East some are being beheaded or even worse (yes, there is worse). I heard of a story of a lady who became Christian and was raped as justice by those who belonged to her former religion. I have even just touched the surface!  
Sin is another major reason. The system in the world is choking everyone and demanding that all must take from it if they wish to live. Everything calling for your attention and not permitting that we place our attention on our Maker. Sin in myself; I have said this once and I will say this again, that my own self is evidence that the heart is deceitful of all things (Jeremiah 17:9). O the thoughts and feelings that I conceive within myself can make the Devil resemble a saint! I truly often times opt to do that which I hate and have been saved from than that which I have being saved into (yes unbeliever, saints do struggle with sin but they stand blameless before God because of Christ, you also can be a partaker of such grace if you put your faith in Christ). It would be the most abominable thing for anyone to advise me "Follow your heart". Outside me, I see hatred, malice, anger, lust, adultery, idolatry and I am not just taking about unbelievers, but believers in Christ. When Jesus looked at Jerusalem he cried out, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem...!" (Matthew 23:37) I feel like crying the same way of people and shouting "O People of the earth, People of the earth you are all becoming oblivious of your sins."  Some have confessed that they have been their weaknesses but others always justify themselves (the Lord will judge them/us). My heart’s desire, as it is for every true Christian, is to appear blameless before God but I honestly many times feel as though in this world and with this flesh, it is impossible. The war between the flesh and the spirit is ever present and many times the flesh wins the battle (Ah, you thought I am sinless!? No, I am a wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked being who can only boast of the mercies and the grace of God that have made me A SAINT BEFORE HIMSELF and his creation!!) . O God save us from this body of death! (Romans 7: 14-25). I weep more knowing that this wrestle within and without is among many Christians who are sincere with themselves (praise God that nothing is impossible to him!). I weep that whenever the saved sin, they shame the Lord of the heavens not only before people but also before the hosts of the heavens, yet it is as though we can not stop!

Deeper contemplation of such situations always leaves with such pain at my very heart, my heart making noise within me. I am not able to hold my peace (Jeremiah 4:19). I am slowly being brought a point that I can only wish that my head was full of waters and my eyes a fountain of tears that I may weep day and night (Jeremiah 9:1) for the salvation of the world. I do not care if it may seem as though I seek for a kind of utopia I know the Lord has promised no more tears and suffering. I cry not for protection but for the full revelation of my Lord Jesus Christ. The sight of you is most ravishing to our souls and anything that hinders us grieves your children yet many things in this damned world blur your beauty. O God bring us to the point that we may enjoy you unhindered by anything and thus I cry – Lord Jesus Come quickly. However, as Hazakim (2014) says, “Nevertheless, your will, not mine, no stress. It will be at the right time”.

Hazakim (2014). Kingdom Come. Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnmLRWxg8ZY

PS - 
·         I have not gone into the context of Genesis 18:20, please read it yourself.     
·         The main purpose of this article was not encouragement but an expression of tears.    


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