Postmodernism, the New Nebuchadnezzar

Reflections on Daniel: Postmodernism, the New Nebuchadnezzar

            This is an age that is faced with a similar situation that was faced by Daniel. Daniel was faced by a king who demanded that the Babylonian gods be worshipped. He was convinced that the gods of other nations, including Israel’s, could not compare with the gods of Babylon. Anyone who defied worshipping the Babylonian gods would even face death because they would have both denied the king and the gods. That would be referred to nothing else but utter disrespectful defiance. One may ask the how is that similar to our world - I mean isn’t that kind of dictatorship absent in many of our countries. The king now, like Nebuchadnezzar then is post modernism. A belief that there is no objective truth and truth is now subjective. This can be seen when people encourage each other to just believe in whatever works for them.

If you want to believe in God: good for you. If you don’t believe in God: it is still good for you. There is no longer any form of agency towards that which is true. This mentality spreads even into our philosophies and morality. If you feel you are wanted to be homosexual and it is okay with you, then it is right. If you want to abort a baby provided it feels okay with you then it is right (Morality). If you want to be a Buddhist, Muslim, Christian or traditionalist: it doesn’t matter, all religion is the same and they all lead to the same God (religion). Objectivity no longer is esteemed. There is no sense of objective morality whereby homosexuality and abortion are considered evil – Just take that which is convenient for you. The Christian claim that considers Yahweh as the only true God is even considered insensitive, hateful and divisive (This is even prevalent in church now). Moreover, anyone who seems to unwaveringly promote such objective realities is considered a bigot and insensitive. Therefore the world, like Nebuchadnezzar, becomes brutal and unforgiving towards such individuals. Daniel’s life should awaken every Bible believing Christian to stand by God’s laws and standards as dictated by his only word, the Bible. That Yahweh is the only true God who ought to be obeyed and worshipped. That Yahweh can only be fully understood and become accessible through Christ alone. That God’s standards of morality remain the standard of right and wrong throughout the ages ETC. Eventually, as God was glorified through Daniel He will also be glorified through every steadfast Christian. Therefore, we should resolve as David never to compromise no matter what. May God grace us!         


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