
Showing posts from June, 2020

Is Kenya Really a Christian Nation?

In our country, it is popularly known that around 75-80 % of it consists of Christians. However, we can’t ever overestimate the many vices that take place in our country. The Christian label is used by some politicians as a way of promoting themselves. Corruption is a cancer in this country; it is actually so bad that if a Christian doesn’t bribe they will say it as a testimony in Church. Sexual immorality is continually increasing yet few ever blush about it. Marriages are broken in accordance to convenience. Apostate Christians are proudly declaring their rejection of the faith. Many only live their faith in a manner of convenience; when situations demand otherwise they do what is necessary. Those who stick to what is right are regarded as hypocrites or self-righteous. Within the church itself; envy, strife, divisions and selfish ambitions, witchcraft and pluralism reign supreme. I won’t even labor to talk about the many so called “Men of God” who have unashamedly and arrogantly

Dr. Steve Lawson: Pastors who preach without passion should be banned fr...
