
Showing posts from July, 2022

Seated at the Right Hand of the Father

Heb.1.3 -  ...After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, This book will talk alot about priesthood. The high priest would go to the holy of holies (the very earthly representation of the throne of God and most first hand presence of God) once a year to sprinkle blood on the ark of covenant for remission of Israel's sins. The priests would later leave and repeat the process next year. Jesus is the high priest of our confession. He is literally seated at the right hand of the Father and not in a representation of the holy of holies. He offered a sacrifice that not only atones for our sins but purifies us. His sacrifice is so sufficient and complete that, unlike the earthly high priests, he doesn't have to come back next to the presence of God as though his one sacrifice isn't sufficient. In fact, He sits in confidence for he has surely finished the work the Father sent him to do.  What does it mean for true believers?