
Showing posts from December, 2019

How Should Confession Look Like?

How Should Confession Look Like? James 5:16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed.             The preceding section of this verse talks of one who has become sick. James states that this person should be prayed upon so that he or she may be healed. He also seems to suggest that in some cases, the sickness may be due to sin. So when the person is prayed for they will not only be healed bodily but also spiritually that is; their sins will be forgiven. Hence, how will they be prayed upon so that their sins may be forgiven if they do not confess their sins to others? Therefore, James directs his readers to confess their sins to one another. He not only suggests that people should confess their sins to one another but also that those who have heard the confession should pray for the one who has confessed. Only then will healing be administered. Therefore, healing consists of two parts which are; the transgressor confessing th