
Showing posts from August, 2019

Death, Such a Pitiless King!

1 Thessalonians 4:14 – For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. I once observed a colony of ants busy in their routines. They walked up and down the bark of a tree. Ants going in and out of holes dug into the stem of the tree and each going to ‘God knows where’. A small network of paths was already evident suggesting that this tree has been their home for maybe years now. They not only walked on the bark of the tree but that they literally lived inside the tree. I imagined that probably in years to come the stem of this tree would be very weak to even support itself because of the changes made by the ants on the tree. The changes are good for the ants but on the other hand; tragic for the well-being of the tree (That gives a somewhat vague picture of our earth and humans in it). Trying to step into the shoes of the ants, I realize that it is another whole world on that tree. I have heard of many horrendous stori

"Reverend" Lucy Natasha Blasphemy Monday


“BANANA MAN” the Movie – Ray Comfort [2019 HD]
